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Saw Load Monitoring

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Home » Saw Load Monitoring

Saw Load Monitoring

Saw Load MonitoringOften a band saw is used to cut logs into rough planks, before the planks are processed into finished lumber. Due to inconsistencies in the log (knots, burls and checks), the speed that the log is pulled through the saw must be varied. The operator will often reduce the speed of the cut when smoking occurs, or the blade breaks. By installing an NK Technologies’ Current Transducer the operator’s job is made easier. By watching the log and a display representing the current draw of the band saw, the operator can achieve a higher rate of output with less down-time.

A similar arrangement can be used with circular saws. The blades become brittle after excessive heating if they are worked too hard. Many automatic systems are in use whereby the current draw is used to reduce the motor load typically by reducing the feed-rate.

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